80 Singkatan / Akronim Popular Media Sosial

80 Maksud Singkatan Perkataan / Akronim Popular Media Sosial

Network-Specific Acronyms

To start, it’s probably most helpful to review some of the common acronyms that are used in specific social media networks.

1. IG: Instagram
2. G+: Google+
3. FB: Facebook
4. LI: LinkedIn
5. YT: YouTube
6. PM: “Private Message” is the more general term for any one-on-one communication that’s not visible to the public. It includes DMs.
7. MT: Sometimes when you’re resharing a Tweet, you’ll alter the text. That makes it a “Modified Tweet.” That may mean shortening it to fit within the character limit or removing the poster’s handle if they have a private account.
8. DM: A “Direct Message” is a message sent on Twitter that is only visible to individuals exchanging them (think of a private message).
9. RT: A “Retweet” is when you publish somebody else’s Tweet entirely, to your own feed.

Business Acronyms

Some of us may already know the previous examples as they are hard to miss, however, things can get a bit more complicated when you get to Business Acronyms. Many of you might have even seen these before, but it could be hard to remember or locate what they mean. Let's take a look at some of the most popular ones:

10. B2C: “Business to Consumer" means a company that is selling to individuals.
11. B2B: “Business to Business” means companies that are selling to other companies.
12. CPC: “Cost Per Click” means the dollar amount on an advertisement that usually pays for every individual who clicks on their ad.
13. CPM: “Cost Per Thousand” this specifically measures the ads instead of the clicks (CPC).
14. CR: “Conversion Rate” this is the number of people who take an action and divides it to compare the number by the number who could have.
15. CTA: “Call to Action” asks the reader to do something. This is usually a specific action related to building the company’s social presence or to get involved in a marketing push.
16. CMGR: “Community Manager”
17. CMS: "Content Management System” is the tool you use for editing, scheduling and publishing any written material for the web.
18. CTR: “Click-Through Rate” is a conversion rate where the action in question is by clicking on a link.
19. PPC: “Pay Per Click” is a metric for advertising costs (same as CPC).
20. KPI: "Key Performance Indicator” is a metric your team or business uses to measure success in achieving goals. For social media, this stands for user engagement, conversions, shares or clicks.
21. PV: “Page Views" is how many times your page has been viewed.
22. ROI: “Return On Investment” measures the money you make in relation to the money you spent to make it. It’s a way of assessing the success of certain promotional or advertising efforts.
23. UGC: “User Generated Content” means written or visual material that the individuals using a platform created. This could be comments or blog posts, to photos or video clips.

Technical Acronyms

Although these are not as frequently used as the others that have been listed, they are still important for anyone working within social media to understand some of the most popular technical abbreviations. If you work in the technical field, you can see these come up when you chat with the IT team or even when handling customer support tickets. Here are some of the most common Technical Acronyms:

24. UX:“User Experience” is a person’s response and reaction in taking actions within a tool.
25. ISP: “Internet Service Provider” stands for the company powering your Internet service.
26. SaaS: “Software as a Service,” is a model in which software is available on a subscription basis. This is sometimes referred to as "on-demand software" as well.
27. SEM: “Search Engine Marketing” is how businesses leverage search engines for marketing purposes.
28. RSS: “Really Simple Syndication” is a feed of all posted content from a source, such as a blog.
29. TOS: “Terms of Service.” Usually, an online service has a Terms of Service that you must agree to in order to use it. This can be useful to locate any limitations on business activity and details about ownership, both of your data and your content.
30. UI: “User Interface” is the display that a person uses to control a tool or how you interact with a website.
31. API: “Application Programming Interface” is a set of rules for how pieces of software interact. Social media management tools like Social Report use the APIs of Facebook, Twitter and other networks to post and schedule, and we even make our own data available via an API to be exported out of the system.
32. Codec: Any technology for compressing and decompressing data for faster transmission. Codecs can be implemented in software, hardware, or a combination of both.
33. FTP: A commonly used protocol for exchanging files over any network that supports the TCP/IP protocol (such as the Internet or an intranet).
34. IPSec: A standard for securing Internet Protocol (IP) communications by encrypting and/or authenticating all IP packets.
35. ESP: “Email Service Provider” is a company that offers email marketing services. The company may also offer a platform or tool to assist with sending emails.

Fun Acronyms For Daily Use

36. AMA: "Ask Me Anything" often used on Q&A sessions on a social channel.
37. BAE: "Before Anyone Else" Typically it refers to a person’s significant other, but could be a very close friend as well.
38. BFF: "Best Friends Forever"
39. BRB: "Be Right Back"
40. BTW: "By the Way"
41. FBO: “Facebook Official.” This most often refers to making a public announcement of a life development, such as a new job or new relationship, on Facebook to your entire social audience.
42. OMG: Stands for “oh my god” or “oh my gosh.”
43. FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out"
44. FTW: "For The Win"
45. GTG: “Got To Go” to end a conversation.
46. FYI: “For Your Information”
47. ICYMI: “In Case You Missed It” most frequently is used when sharing content that is not current
48. IDC: “I Don’t Care”
49. IDK: “I Don’t Know”
50. ILY:  “I Love You.”
51. IMHO:  “In My Humble Opinion”
52. IMO:  “In My Opinion”
53. IRL: “In Real Life,” popular for online daters to establish online and offline relationships.
54. JK: This phrase is “just kidding,” and can be helpful in conveying a light-hearted tone when there’s a possibility for a statement to be misconstrued.
55. LMAO: “Laughing My A** (butt) Off” Not always the right phrase for business context, but makes it just as necessary to know this acronym when you see it.
56. LMK: “Let Me Know”
57. LOL: A popular phrase from the beginning of online chat culture, this means “Laughing Out Loud.”
58. NBD: “No Big Deal”
59. NM:  “Not Much”
60. NVM:  “Never Mind”

61. NSFW: “Not Safe For Work” usually designates material that is violent, sexual or otherwise inappropriate for a professional setting.
62. OH: “Overheard” Generally used as context for quotes.
63. FF: "Follow Friday" trend began as a Twitter hashtag for recommending people who request followers.
64. JIC: "Just In Case"
65. OTP: "One True Pairing" These are two characters that you feel are meant to be together.
66. OAN: "On Another Note" It’s mostly used in informal emails.
67. DAE: "Does Anyone Else?" It’s used to frame a question.
68. FTW: "For The Win" This one is meant to emphasize the end of a comment, sometimes sarcastic.
69. IANAD: "I Am Not A Doctor" A disclaimer if you’re going to say something bordering on medical advice.
70. WDYMBT: "What Do You Mean By That?"
71. BTAIM: "Be That As It May" For very specific acronym users to make a formal argument in an informal context.
72. FUTAB: "Feet Up, Take A Break" Not just a regular break, but a very relaxed break!
73. MCM: "Man Crush Monday" A popular Instagram acronym for defining love for a man on Monday.
74. WCW: "Woman Crush Wednesday" This acronym began on Twitter for pointing out posts about an attractive woman, then spread to other networks like Instagram and Facebook. It's an offshoot of MCM.
75. FTFY: "Fixed That For You" This is used in Internet comments to correct the grammar of a person that commented earlier, or can be used to be funny.
76. SMH: "Shaking My Head" Said to express disappointment.
77. MTFBWY: "May The Force Be With You" Borrowed from “Star Wars,” it’s another way of saying good luck.
78. TL;DR: "Too Long;Didn’t Read" Often written in a comment, if a person doesn’t want to read an entire article, but has something to say anyway.
79. DAE: "Does Anyone Else?" It’s used to frame a question.
80. BB: "Bye Bye"          

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